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Spring 2

As Effective Communicators...

As Mathematicians...

As effective communicators we will read whole books and extracts from texts written for a variety of purposes. For example, this term we will be reading ‘Krindlekrax’. We will also be focussing on developing comprehension skills and identifying the techniques used by the authors.  We will plan, draft, write, edit and improve our own texts across a variety of fiction and non-fiction genres with consideration for our own role as authors. During Book Week we will be reading and analysing a story called ‘Journeys’ by Aaron Becker.

We will use the school calculation policy to cover the statutory areas of:  Number and Place Value of three digit numbers, Addition and Subtraction using different methods, incliuding the coloumn method.

We will be securing our mulitcation facts from the x2, 4 and 8 times tables. We will complete revision booklets to increase our recall accuracy.

As Members of the Digital Age...


As Scientists...

We will learn about Internet Safety and how to tell an adult if we are unsure, including online gaming and communication. We will focus on the benefits of digital devices compared with non-digital tools. Many digital devices are now connected to other digital devices, e.g. computers through wires, tablets through Wi-Fi, and smartphones through mobile phone networks. To combine a range of text, images, animation and audio and video clips for given purposes. Explain that the World Wide Web contains lots of web pages about different subjects that can be searched.

We will be asking our own scientific questions and making decisions about appropriate enquiry methods to find the ‘answer.’ This term we will cover elements from animals including humans. We will investigate diferent types of food chains and habitats. To compare and contrast the diets of different animals. Describe simply how fossils are formed, using words, pictures or a model. Gather and record findings in a variety of ways (diagrams, tables, charts and graphs) with increasing accuracy. We will also investigate how water is transported within plants

As Members of a Catholic Community…..

As Active Citizens...

We will learn to make links between beliefs and life, giving reasons for our actions and choices. We will explore the Ligturacal calender, the celebtrate of Ash Wendesday and the preparation for Lent. We explore the topics of Listening and Sharing and how Jesus gave his all for us during the Easter story.  

We will focus on a new virtue each month. This term the virtues will be courage, listening and assertivness. We will continue to look at ‘Zones of Regulation’ and learning how to deal with our feelings.  

As Geographers...

Topic Vocabulary

As Designers with a Purpose...

Using world maps and atlases to find the location of different types of animals in our world. To understand why certain animals are better suited to different locations and find out about different types of habitats. To use four figure grid references to describe the location of objects and places on simple maps.

Omnivore, carnivore, herbivore, category, producer, consumer, primary, secondary, tertiary, apex predator, predator, decomposer, prey, food chain, wild animal, domestic animal, organisms, diet, dietary needs, nutrition.

We will design and make purposeful products inspired by our theme predator. We will select and use differente materials to create 3D models.

As Musicians...


As Linguists...

We will be learning about keeping a beat and playing in time. Music theory Minims and crotchets; treble clef. We will practise different hymns in preparation for special events, Ash Wednesday mass.




We will focus on the French language and compare the vocabulary of number and key words. We will learn about pets, domestic animals, colour connectives and Easter activities.

As Artists...

As Sporting Heroes...

We will use our sketch books to record observations and to review and revisit ideas.We will be given the opportunity to improve upon our first attempts and improve our mastery of art.

As Sporting Heroes we will develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and learn how to evaluate and recognise our own success in team sports involving Hockey and Gymnastics.

Contact Us

Botwell House
Botwell Lane, Hayes

Telephone: 0208 573 2229