Music plays a crucial role in enriching the educational experiences of all children at Botwell House Catholic Primary School. It links strongly to our Mission Statement and School Targets, supporting attainment across the curriculum. Inclusive values are embedded to achieve a caring, stimulating environment where all children can achieve their potential.We strongly believe that music provides exciting, challenging experiences which help develop creativity, co-operation, confidence and self-esteem.
The music department is well resourced to support the curriculum which covers singing, playing instruments, composing, listening, performing and technology and is delivered weekly by a music specialist. There are a number of extracurricular activities such as: Choir, Orchestra, Instrumental tuition and Rock and Pop Foundation courses. We enjoy performing both in school and the community and have also been part of the local Hayes Community Choir.
KS1 Overview
Term |
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Autumn 1 |
Action songs and games (pulse) Vocal health |
Bucket beats and rhythm games (Pulse, rhythm) |
Autumn 2 |
Christmas Practice |
Christmas Practice |
Spring 1 |
Exploring Different Types of Music: Pop and Hip-Hop (rhythm, pulse, rap, melody) |
Exploring Different Types of Music: Reggae and Rock Instrumental and vocal performance (rhythm, pulse) Vocal health |
Spring 2 |
Music theory long and short sounds I |
Music theory Long and short sounds II: Exploring duration in music |
Summer 1 |
Exploring unpitched percussion, rhythm games |
Exploring Samba drumming stage 1 |
Summer 2 |
Imagination Songs
Review |
Friendship Songs
Review |
KS2 Overview
Term |
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Year 6 |
Autumn 1 |
Composition and performance around animals (expression, pitch, rhythm)
Composition and performance through body percussion (rhythm, pulse, dynamics, form)
Composition and performance using the blues (Minor pentatonic scales, melody, form)
Composition and performance using jazz (Bossa Nova, Swing, G Major Scale, Latin rhythms, improvisation)
Autumn 2 |
Christmas Practice
Christmas Practice |
Christmas Practice |
Christmas Practice |
Spring 1 |
Significant Contributions to modern music history: Bob Marley (rhythm, texture, instrumentation)
Significant Contributions to modern music history: ABBA (melody, texture, song writing) |
Significant Contributions to modern music history: Classic Rock (pulse, backbeat, dynamics, texture, form) |
Introducing Music Technology: Garage Band, Chrome Music Lab; Exploring film and computer game music |
Spring 2 |
Music theory Minims and crotchets; treble clef
Music theory Minims, crotchets, semibreves; treble clef 2 |
Music theory Minims, crotchets, Semibreves, quavers, treble clef 3 Stations of the Cross |
Music theory Composing using the treble clef |
Summer 1 |
Exploring African drumming stage 1
Exploring Calypso music using pitched and unpitched percussion
Exploring African Drumming stage 2
Exploring Samba drumming stage 2
Summer 2 |
Folk Music
Soul and Gospel Music
Review |
Production/Celebration Songs/ Leavers’ Mass |