Personal Development
Botwell House Primary School teaches Personal Development in a wide range of ways throughout the children’s school lives.
For example:
- it is taught in discrete PSHCE lessons (please see the curriculum map below);
- it is taught with cross-curricular links in other lessons, such as English, physical education and religious education;
- staff members consistently model how to be a good citizen who uphold the school values;
- assemblies (whole school, pupil-led and special visitors);
- annual first aid sessions for all year groups;
- Bikeability programme for Year 5 & 6 pupils
- The STARs Annual Road Safety scheme for all pupils from Nursery to Year 6
- Junior Travel Ambassadors scheme for KS2 pupils
- e-Safety lessons in computing and assembly;
- celebrating positive learning attributes and virtuous acts with weekly certificates;
- a range of after school curriculum clubs for all year groups
- focusing on mental and physical health;
- student Council;
- eco-warriors’ group;
- celebrating different languages, cultures and religions;
- contextualised school trips and local visits
Spiritual Development:
At Botwell, spiritual development enables pupils to look within themselves, at their human relationships and the wider world.
- Our Gospel assemblies and class base pupil-led collective worships.
- Class and celebration assemblies
- Class presentations
- School visits to places of worship
- Educational visits and visitors which inspire awe and wonder
- Themed days and weeks
- RE curriculum
- PSHE curriculum
Moral Development:
At Botwell, moral development enables our pupils to know what is right and wrong and to act on it accordingly.
- PSHE curriculum
- School Values
- School Vision
- Golden Time
- Collective Worship
- Circle Time
- Supporting charities and fundraising
- Pupil votes for School groups
- Celebration Assemblies
Social Development:
At Botwell, social development enables our pupils to understand the rights and responsibilities of living in a community and being a responsible citizen.
- Roding Values
- Class Values
- PSHE curriculum
- Pupil voice and peer leadership roles
- Sports Day
- Educational Visits
- Extra-Curricular activities
- Supporting the local community
Cultural Development:
At Botwell, cultural development enables our pupils to acquire knowledge and understanding of others’ cultural traditions. We value and celebrate the cultural diversity of our school and our society.
- Celebrating events
- Curriculum themed days designed to inspire, excite and inform the children for their upcoming topic
- Sharing children’s own personal experience
- Visits and visitors
- Music and Dance events
- Theatre Trips
- University Visits