Spring 2 - Catapults, Sounds and Smells
As Effective Communicators... |
As Mathematicians... |
We will read whole books and extracts from texts written for a variety of purposes. For example, this term we will be reading ‘The King Who Banned the Dark’. We will focus on developing comprehension skills whilst identifying language, illustrations and techniques used by authors. We will write own texts with examples being letters of advice and balanced arguments. In spelling, punctuation and grammar, we will practice using direct and indirect speech, using adjectives, adverbs or prepositions to modify nouns when writing noun phrases, and review suffixes. |
This term we will investigate the connections between multiplication and division, learning about the distributive law. We will solidify our understanding of how multiplication is distributive, and partitioning to solve facts beyond the times tables. We will also work on our understanding of coordinates – following directions, translating shapes and writing coordinates. |
As Members of the Digital Age... |
Catapults, Sounds & Smells
Topic Vocabulary:
Solid, liquid, gas, evaporation, melting, cooling, heating, condensation, freezing, temperature, thermometer, water cycle, changing state, water vapour, forces, kinetic energy, elastic, mechanism, catapult, lever, bucket, frame, payload, ballista, strike, blow, shake, pluck, vibration, vibrate, sound, volume, pitch, vibration, amplitude, loud, quiet, travel, wave, particles, ear, instrument.
We will identify the input device (microphone) and output devices (speaker or headphones) required to work with sound digitally. We will discuss the ownership of digital audio and the copyright implications of duplicating the work of others. In order to record audio ourselves, we’ll learn to edit, add tracks, save audio and evaluate.
As Musicians… |
We will be focusing on musical theory, minims, crotchets, semibreves and treble clef 2.
As Active Citizens….. |
As Designers with a Purpose... |
A Sporting Heroes…. |
We will be exploring and discussing the idea that we are all created to love others. We will be focusing on how to keep ourselves safe online, within our own bodies and learning what substances can have a negative effect on our bodies. |
We will be exploring how to design, construct, test and evaluate our very own catapults. Our focus this term is mechanical systems as we create our very own launch mechanism having studied the science behind this. |
In outdoor PE we will be developing our athletic skills. In indoor PE we will be focusing on gymnastics/rhythmic gymnastics. |
As Members of a Catholic Community… |
As Scientists... |
As Linguists... |
We are introduced to the seven areas of Catholic Social Teaching. During our topic ‘Self-Discipline’ we will be focusing on Lent and understanding that Christians use the season of Lent as a time to grow spiritually. We will be thinking about examples of temptation that could cause us to break our Lenten promises. We will also be focusing on the Easter story and the events leading up to this special event.
We will explore the different ways in which sounds travel and the ways in which both pitch and volume can be manipulated using musical instruments. We will also learn how different states of matter are interrelated through the process of heating and cooling. Finally, we will construct our own launching mechanisms which we will investigate through study of forces, elasticity and kinetic energy.
We will be revising vocabulary of clothes and weather. We will focus on how to link the two for example saying what we wear in different sorts of weather. We will also be completing Easter activities in French.